What is the difference between laminate and vinyl flooring?

If cost-effective and durable flooring is your number one priority, there is a good chance that you will find yourself facing the decision between laminate and vinyl.

Both these options have their merits. They are affordable, look good, and more recently do a pretty good job of imitating the wood or tiles that they are designed to look like.

In fact, these two flooring materials are so similar in both nature and appearance that many people find it difficult to tell them apart at all.

vinyl flooring

Luckily for you, we are experts in all things flooring here at Allfloors and offer both vinyl and laminate options, alongside our range of exclusive Luxury Vinyl Tiles (LVT).

In this article we will take a look at just a few of the key differences between laminate and Vinyl, exploring the pros and cons of each to put you in the strongest possible position to make a well informed decision.

Vinyl Flooring

Vinyl flooring is constructed from entirely synthetic materials, the main difference from laminate which encompasses a wood fibre core.

The multiple layer construction of vinyl creates an impressively durable final product, especially when considering the value that this flooring type provides.

As the top layer of vinyl is printed on, rather than being made from a natural material, the design options available are limitless and we are proud to offer a wide range of different vinyl finishes here at Allfloors.

Luxury Vinyl Tiles are constructed in a similar manner but are much thicker than standard vinyl pieces and the printed finish is far more realistic. Many people believe that LVT from top suppliers such as Amtico and Karndean is the most realistic replication of natural wood flooring anywhere on the market.

Laminate flooring

As mentioned, whilst laminate flooring is also made form several layers, it varies from vinyl in that it has a core that is constructed from wood byproducts and bonded together with resin. Once again, the outermost layer of laminate is printed with a certain design.

Laminate tends to be a bit thicker than vinyl and more closely replicates natural materials. This is due to the 3D digital embossing that is used to transfer the image of natural materials onto the laminate itself.

However, it is still overshadowed by the realism offered by modern LVT.

Which is cheaper?

Both laminate and vinyl offer exceptional value and tend to come in significantly cheaper than hardwood and even engineered wood options.

If you are looking for a stylish new floor but don’t have a fortune to fork out on one, either of these is a great choice for you.

What about for the bathroom?

Vinyl flooring tends to perform better in high moisture environments than laminate due, in the main, to the fact that Sheet vinyl and LVT are made from waterproof materials. Bear in mind though that water can seep through the seams if too much water is present, or the floor was not installed 100% correctly.
